Fuente: ANTAQ Un estudio de la Agencia señala que las vías de navegación económica, en 2020, sumaron 19.100 kilómetros La ANTAQ aprob
Source: Port of Hamburg Both Air Products and the HPA are aligned in their intention to accelerate the production, supply chain and consum
Source: Port of Longbeach The two San Pedro Bay ports – Long Beach and Los Angeles – announced today that they will wait until Feb. 11
Fuente: Tocumen Panama La terminal de carga del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen registró el movimiento de 202,742 toneladas métricas
Source: Maersk Maersk was named Ocean Carrier of the Year and International Logistics Partner of the Year by The Home Depot. The company r
Fuente: MICI El Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (MICI) presentó ante los CEO´s de compañías con licencia de Sedes de Empresas Mult
Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, administrador de la ACP, considera que esta medida abriría oportunidades a países como Panamá Por: Lenny Dur
Source: Port of Rotterdam Port of Rotterdam Authority and BigMile are developing a digital platform to identify transport-related emission
Source: IATA The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in partnership with Airlines for America (A4A) and 28 US and internationa