El Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras de Puerto El Gago surgió de la Asociación de Pescadores del lugar y está compuesto por diez integrantes que pertenecen al corregimiento de Coclé, mientras que María Martínez y María Tuñón, pertenecen al corregimiento de Toabré, distrito de Penonomé.
En esta reunión se tendrá como tema: Encontrar una solución al alto costo del combustible en la que participarán representantes de la Secretaria General de Energía, quienes explicarán el comportamiento del combustible, además de la Defensoría del Pueblo.
The Japanese Shipowners Association is an organization that brings together around 126 Japanese shipping companies, including owners, charterers and operators of merchant ships.
The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has been recognised at the World Sustainability Awards 2022 at the gala organised by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) in Vancouver.
With 32 hours of sessions and 32 guest speakers, and numerous opportunities for networking and catching-up, members were finally able to ‘Reconnect’ with their freight forwarding family, to learn and grow together, and take back focused knowledge from a series of sessions convening international organisations in the home city of non-governmental concerns. Let’s not forget the roughly 500 cups of coffee consumed to keep us going during the week!